Concert tickets in Вознесенськ

Best concerts in Voznesensk 2021

The benefits of live concerts are hard to overestimate. It is here that one is filled with the most kindly bubbling emotions, shares the energy with the people around, fills oneself with positivity and paints the grey everyday life with bright flashes of fun and enjoyment. Don't be afraid to let your feelings run wild at concerts. Sometimes it leads to emotional recharging, inspiration and well-being.

If you wonder where to go in Voznesensk, you'll find a variety of events on offer: artist concerts or multi-day themed festivals, classical music evenings or lamp lighting and flats. They all vary in spirit and scope.

There is no limit to the genre focus either. You can find pop, rock, jazz, rap, hip hop and other concerts in Voznesensk 2021. Theatre-lovers can also enjoy themselves by going to the classic and modern plays, while fans of humour will have a good laugh at the stand-up comedy and shows.

Leisure time can also be different in terms of goals. You can find the perfect event for a romantic date or a children's party, a family gathering or a wild party with friends. Follow the city's online calendar to stay up-to-date on cultural events and make sure you don't miss out on anything really interesting, fun and exciting.

Voznesensk Concert Schedule for the weekend, today, tomorrow - always

Follow the development of cultural leisure in Voznesensk is very easy with the online playbill. Here you will not only find the current events and comprehensive information about them but also familiarize yourself with the seating plan, reserve a seat and immediately buy a ticket.

Most events in Voznesensk are held on weekends and public holidays. This is because the organizers take into consideration the work schedules of most residents and try not to let anything interfere with their comfortable and fun activities.

So feel free to choose an event to meet friends or have fun with your family, to join in the festivities, and to just hang out. Plan your holiday or buy tickets on the spot, as long as you feel good, happy and light inside.

How to choose which concert to go to in Voznesensk

The Voznesensk events playbill is filled with brightly coloured event names. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of concert and get exactly the expected experience, it is important to read the event description before buying a ticket. The organizer always tries to give the most detailed information about the upcoming event: location, time, requirements, availability of additional entertainment or services, timing, repertoire, etc. Of course, there is always room for intrigue, because pleasant surprises are better remembered and leave a tender emotion in the heart of every visitor.

Also, note that some hangouts in Voznesensk have age restrictions. More often than not, they are listed right on the poster. If there is a sign +12 or +18, it means that for persons under a certain age (12 or 18 years, respectively), entry to the event is prohibited. Keep this information in mind if your child would like to purchase tickets. After all, even if you do purchase them, it is unlikely that you will be able to get into the concert. You will just end up wasting your money.

On the contrary, some events give children the right to enter for free. But each organizer can set its age range: somewhere will be free to children under 5 years, somewhere under 7, and some activities can be accessed without a ticket and children under 10 years of age. 

Concert venues in Voznesensk

All the brightest and most important events and concerts in Voznesensk are held at the City House of Culture. Here the city's creative teams perform and work, but also gladly come on tour stars of the Ukrainian stage, theatre troupes and comedians. 

The Municipal House of Culture is a centre of communication, implementation of creative plans and patriotic education of children. It promotes healthy lifestyles, cultural heritage and interesting and creative leisure activities.

Public celebrations and festivals take place in the open-air area on the embankment of the river Mertvovod. Here you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and have fun. Youth discos are a frequent event in the area as well.

Cinema lovers will enjoy the Premier cinema located at 22b Odesskaya Street (Lion Shopping Centre). Here you can catch the latest blockbusters and premieres in the world of cinema. So if you want to be impressed with movies on the big screen, this is the place for you. 

How do buy a ticket for a concert in Voznesensk on Ticketsbox?

With the development of progress, many of our usual rituals have become so simple and convenient that sometimes we even wonder: did it used to be any other way? For example, buying tickets for events in Voznesensk has become a two-minute affair. At a minimum, with our website, you won't waste any more time. After all, you can place your order online, which doesn't limit you in time or location.

We have carefully rendered each concert hall diagram so that every visitor can easily understand and choose the best seats. There is also a colour filter by price for your convenience. You can quickly determine the price range, and the chart will show you only the seats you need.

Once you've selected your tickets, you'll be presented with a shopping cart where you must enter the requested information. Usually, it is just a phone number and an e-mail address. Such information is required for correct e-ticket delivery. If you have done everything correctly and your payment is confirmed, you do not have to wait long for the expected concert passes, they will arrive within a minute. 

You can download the ticket file to your phone, but there is no need to exchange or print them. Show the received files on the screen of your device. This method of entry control saves a lot of paper, which in turn is good for the planet as a whole.